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Living guidelines updates

The Stroke Foundation’s Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management have evolved into the world's first living stroke guidelines as the next generation of health evidence translation.

We continually monitor for new evidence relevant to the guideline topics each month and the content working group reviews content at least every 6 months. In addition to public consultations and recommendation updates listed on this page, the guidelines are republished in MAGICapp whenever there is new evidence added, or changes to practical information or other text. Labels are used to indicate 'new' or 'updated' recommendations. Labels may also note 'Updated evidence, no change in recommendations' and 'In review'. Any topics that have not been updated and hence have no label can be considered current. A full version history be found in the Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management.

On this page:

Draft recommendations for public consultation

There are currently no draft changes for public consultation. 

New and updated recommendations

Recommendations for the following topics have been updated based on new research evidence, in accordance with the 2016 NHMRC Standards for Guidelines.

Topic Date Change
Thrombolysis (Chapter 3) March 2025 Several new and updated recommendations for thrombolysis related to tenecteplase. New recommendation against thrombolysis in non-disabling ischaemic stroke. New consensus-based recommendation for dabigatran reversal prior to thrombolysis. Not yet approved by the NHMRC.
Acute blood pressure lowering (Chapter 3) March 2025 New recommendation for acute blood pressure lowering for acute intracerebral haemorrhage, and modification of existing recommendation to focus only on ischaemic stroke. Not yet approved by the NHMRC.
Medical interventions for ICH (Chapter 3) March 2025 New weak recommendation for care bundle approach to intracerebral haemorrhage. Not yet approved by the NHMRC.
Sleep disorders (Chapter 6) Dec 2024 New weak recommendation for continuous positive airway pressure use in sleep-disordered breathing. New practice points on suspected sleep-disordered breathing, and on continuation of treatment for previously diagnosed sleep disorders. Not yet approved by the NHMRC.
ICH management -surgical (Chapter 3) Dec 2024 New recommendation for minimally invasive haematoma evaculation for lobar ICH and updated consensus-based recommendation adding possible hemicraniectomy following the SWITCH trial. Not yet approved by the NHMRC.
Carer support (Chapter 8) Sept 2024 Upgrade from consensus-based recommendation to evidence-based recommendation for psychological and social support. Not yet approved by the NHMRC.
Cerebral venous thrombosis (Chapter 4) Sept 2024 Recommendation updated to include direct oral anticoagulant treatment following new published trials. Not yet approved by the NHMRC.
Self-management (Chapter 8) 3/01/2025 New recommendation for interventions directed by stroke survivor such as 'Take Charge after Stroke'. 
Management of atrial fibrillation (Chapter 4) 8/12/2023 Updated weak recommendation based on a major new trial that specifies when to commence or recommence anticoagulation after ischaemic stroke.
Neurointervention (Chapter 3) 27/07/2023 Consolidated into one recommendation for endovascular clot retrieval in the internal carotid artery, middle cerebral artery, or basilar artery within 0–24 hours. Added a consensus-based recommendation for extending the time window for clot retrieval past 24 hours if imaging suggests there is salvageable brain tissue.
Oxygen therapy (Chapter 3) 27/07/2023 Oxygen therapy to be considered when the saturation (SpO2) is less than 92% instead of less than 93%, and the target oxygen level changed to 92–96%, in line with the updated position statement from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Central post-stroke pain (Chapter 6) 27/07/2023 New topic, with a consensus-based recommendation for cautious trials with planned follow-up of tricyclic antidepressant or antiepileptic medication to reduce pain, and non-pharmacological interventions only to be used within a research framework. 
Driving (Chapter 8) 27/07/2023 Updated consensus recommendation, including non-driving periods following stroke or TIA and the process for fitness-to-drive assessments, to be consistent with the new edition of Assessing Fitness to Drive by Austroads (2022) and to include the Medical Aspects of Fitness to Drive by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
Aphasia (Chapter 6) 6/12/2022 Communication partner training should be provided to health professionals or volunteers who interact with people with aphasia after stroke, and it may also be provided to their carers or family members.
Urinary incontinence (Chapter 6) 6/12/2022 Weak recommendation for structured continence management plans, for patients in hospital with confirmed continence difficulties, updated with new evidence.
Pre-hospital care (Chapter 1) 5/08/2022 New recommendation for pre-hospital treatment in a mobile stroke unit, for eligible patients in major cities.
Assessment for rehabilitation (Chapter 3) 5/08/2022 Updated wording in practice point to clarify that options include locally developed assessment tools (not subject to public consultation).
Aphasia (Chapter 5) 5/08/2022 Speech and language therapy now recommended to improve reading and auditory comprehension, and general expressive and written language, in addition to functional communication. Upgraded from weak to strong recommendation for early aphasia therapy starting in the first 4 weeks post stroke. New weak recommendation for intensive aphasia therapy for stroke survivors with chronic aphasia, plus changes to weak recommendation for intensity of aphasia therapy in the acute phase. Updated wording in weak recommendation against brain stimulation.
Dysarthria (Chapter 5) 5/08/2022 Tailored interventions that include speech production tasks targeting connected speech may be provided, e.g. reducing rate of speaking, emphasising articulatory placement or increasing loudness. Removed recommendation against non-speech oromotor exercises, which is addressed in the practical info of the main recommendation.
Prevention of depression (Chapter 6) 5/08/2022 Changed from weak recommendation against to weak recommendation for antidepressant medication.
Treatment for depression (Chapter 6) 5/08/2022 Recommendation for antidepressants changed from strong to weak, plus new recommendation that psychological therapy may be used, and updated recommendation for structured exercise programs to include resistance training. Non-invasive brain stimulation changed to weak recommendation for, from weak against.
Treatment for anxiety (Chapter 6) 5/08/2022 New consensus recommendation that psychological therapy and/or relaxation strategies may be trialled, with the addition of pharmacotherapy carefully considered.
Personality and behaviour (Chapter 6) 5/08/2022 New consensus recommendation that behavioural changes should be assessed and addressed through individually tailored interventions for survivors of stroke and their families/carers.
Pressure injury (Chapter 6) 5/08/2022 Reestablished practice point that staff and carers of patients at risk of pressure injuries should be trained to assess, provide care and treat pressure injuries consistent with existing guidelines.
Pre-hospital care (Chapter 1) 22/12/2021 New practice point for regular education to help clinicians identify stroke patients.
Acute stroke telehealth services (Chapter 3) 22/12/2021 New topic with recommendation for telestroke systems to help assess patients for thrombolysis and transfer for endovascular therapy, where 24/7 onsite specialists are unavailable.
Head position (Chapter 3) 22/12/2021 New topic with recommendation that any position may be used in the first 24 hours after hospital admission, while in bed and not receiving nasogastric feeding.
Management of atrial fibrillation (Chapter 4) 22/12/2021 Closing off the opening to the left atrial appendage may be reasonable when long-term anticoagulation is not possible.
Lifestyle modifications (Chapter 4) 22/12/2021 Everyone who has had a stroke or TIA may be given interventions addressing secondary stroke risk factors, with support and counselling, reviews by health care professionals, and exercise training. Also, a new consensus recommendation for a Mediterranean or similar style diet, and referral to a dietitian for individualised advice.
Arm activity (Chapter 5) 22/12/2021 Virtual reality and interactive games may now be used with any timing and duration, and independently of impairment severity.
Memory (Chapter 5) 22/12/2021 Cognitive rehabilitation, including both internal strategies and external aids, may be used to improve memory function in the short term.
Telehealth in rehabilitation (Chapter 5) 22/12/2021 New topic with recommendation that telehealth services may be used as an adjunct to in-person therapy, or an alternative for patients who cannot access specialist rehab in the community.
Swelling of the extremities (Chapter 6) 22/12/2021 Passive mobilisation is now recommended for prevention and management, along with elevation of the limb when resting.
Antiplatelet therapy (Chapter 4) 7/07/2021 Restarting antiplatelet therapy can be considered after the acute phase of an intracerebral haemorrhage if the person was previously on antithrombotic therapy.
Standing (Chapter 5) 7/07/2021 Recommendation for task-specific practice now split into a strong recommendation for activities that challenge balance, plus a weak recommendation for adding on virtual reality training, visual or auditory feedback or electromechanical assistance.
Activities of daily living (Chapter 5) 7/07/2021 Updated from strong recommendation against to a weak recommendation against routinely using acupuncture to improve activities of daily living. In addition, a new weak recommendation against using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors to reduce disability.
Fatigue (Chapter 6) 7/07/2021 Minor wording changes and a mention of cognitive behavioural therapy as a possible intervention.
Sexuality (Chapter 8) 7/07/2021 New evidence added, but no change in recommendation apart from minor wording changes.
Acute antiplatelet therapy (Chapter 3) 11/02/2021 A new drug, ticagrelor, in combination with aspirin soon after a minor ischaemic stroke or high-risk transient ischaemic attack, may be considered to prevent another stroke.
Oxygen therapy (Chapter 3) 11/02/2021 More specific targets and thresholds set for blood oxygen levels, above which supplemental oxygen should not be given.
Cholesterol lowering therapy (Chapter 4) 11/02/2021 A new target set for lowering LDL cholesterol to prevent further strokes and cardiovascular disease.
Weakness (Chapter 5) 11/02/2021 Added new evidence for recovery of muscle strength with progressive resistance training. Also a new recommendation for certain types of repetitive practice.
Shoulder pain (Chapter 6) 11/02/2021 Electrical stimulation may now be used for pain management, when previously it was recommended against. Acupuncture may also be used to reduce pain.
Thrombolysis (Chapter 3) 7/11/2019 Time window for intravenous thrombolysis extended up to 9 hours after a person has had their stroke, if brain scans show they will benefit. The 9 hours can be counted from the mid-point of sleep if the person woke up with stroke symptoms. Tenecteplase may also be used in thrombolysis as an alternative to alteplase, especially for people with a blockage in large brain arteries.
Acute antithrombotic therapy (Chapter 3) 7/11/2019 Upgrade to strong recommendation for taking the antiplatelet medications aspirin and clopidogrel together in the first three weeks after a minor stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA).
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) management (Chapter 4) 7/11/2019 Closing a PFO (patent foramen ovale) is recommended when people under 60 years old have had a stroke, and other possible causes of their stroke have been ruled out.

See all current recommendations in the Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management.


Suggest a new topic or question

To keep our living guidelines relevant, we annually review the topics the guidelines cover and the questions about practice that they answer. The current topics make up the table of contents of the Clinical Guidelines.

We welcome your suggestions for new topics that you believe are critical to include. New topics will be considered during our project steering committee's annual review.

Please email your suggestions to guidelines@strokefoundation.org.au