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New stroke recovery resource for Indigenous communities

our stroke journey cover

Our Stroke Journey is a new booklet for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It covers everything people need to know about life after a stroke.  It includes stories from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander survivors of stroke, families, and health workers.

Stroke Foundation worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations to develop Our Stroke Journey. Stroke health professionals and researchers shared their knowledge for Our Stroke Journey.

Our Stroke Journey represents a big step forward in ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander survivors of stroke receive the information and support they need after a stroke.

Our Stroke Journey is available on the Stroke Foundation website.

If you want to deliver Our Stroke Journey to your patients and clients, please email msj@strokefoundation.org.au or order via our online store.

If you or your patients have any questions about Our Stroke Journey, please contact StrokeLine on 1800 787 653 or email strokeline@strokefoundation.org.au. StrokeLine's health professionals can help answer questions about Our Stroke Journey and provide information, advice and support.